Carter Conlon

On Sale
Trusting God When All Else Fails. You have believed and trusted in God. But now you often feel like the psalmist who cried, "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?  Why don't You help me and answer my cries?" (See Ps. 22:1). You wonder if there...
On Sale
180 Degree Christian
180 Degree Christian
Serving Jesus in a Culture of Excess. I sense a stirring in my heart. I feel that some very, very difficult days are just ahead of us. And just as the Lord prepared Times Square Church before the events of 9/11 hit New York City, I believe we are living...
Katie & the Dogs are Gone!
Katie & the Dogs are Gone!
100% of the net proceeds from the sale of this book will go to feed hungry children through ChildCry. To learn more, please visit ChildCry. Have you seen Katie & the dogs? Oh where, oh where could they be? One day the kind old gentleman came home...
Picnic Pals
Picnic Pals
Picnic Pals – Written and Illustrated by Emily Skelding "Sometimes when bad things happen we need a pal to help us get back on our feet.  This is a story about an ostrich who, despite falling subject to some unfortunate circumstances,...
Every Good House Needs a Mouse
Every Good House Needs a Mouse
100% of the profits from the sale of this book will go to feed hungry children through ChildCry. Papa Carter and his grandson Landon co-author a delightful book on how to get a mouse in your house! Sometimes getting even a mouse to...
Petey Yikes!
Petey Yikes!
Proceeds from the sale of this book will benefit ChildCry. Nobody knows why Petey was standing under a parked car or how he got there, but this is the story of how this homeless little blue bird finds a home. Your children can sing along...
Clunky of Maryborough
Clunky of Maryborough
100% of the profits from the sale of this book will go to feed hungry children through ChildCry. Some say he's just a nuisance,Others say he should be banned.Who will care for lonely, clumsy Clunky?Will you, Sir—or you, Ma'am?Will...
On Sale
It's Time to Pray
It's Time to Pray
God’s Power Changes Everything. Pastor Carter’s new book is a powerful teaching on the power of prayer compellingly illustrated by his own life experiences, most of which he is sharing for the first time in the book. “Just as...